Colors 1.0.0
The colors utility functions provide a variety of methods for color conversion and validation operations. These functions help simplify common tasks, such as converting between different color formats and validating color strings.
To install the colors utility functions, use one of the following commands, depending on your package manager:
npm install @utilify/colors
yarn add @utilify/colors
pnpm add @utilify/colors
After installation, you can import the functions into your project using either ESM or CJS.
This library supports both the ESM and CJS module systems.
import { rgbToHsl, rgbToHex, isRgb } from '@utilify/colors';
const { rgbToHsl, rgbToHex, isRgb } = require('@utilify/colors');
Here is an overview of the functions available in the color utilities package:
function rgbToHsl(rgb: string): string | null
Converts an RGB color string to its HSL representation.
function rgbToHex(rgb: string): string | null
Converts an RGB color string to its hexadecimal representation.
function isRgb(rgb: string): boolean
Checks if a given string is a valid RGB or RGBA color.
function isHsl(hsl: string): boolean
Checks if a given string is a valid HSL or HSLA color.
function isHex(hex: string): boolean
Checks if a given string is a valid hexadecimal color, including the alpha channel.
function hslToRgb(hsl: string): string | null
Converts an HSL color string to its RGB representation.
function hslToHex(hsl: string): string | null
Converts an HSL color string to its hexadecimal representation.
function hexToRgb(hex: string): string | null
Converts a hexadecimal color string to its RGB representation.
function hexToHsl(hex: string): string | null
Converts a hexadecimal color string to its HSL representation.